Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

Packages from our warehouse in southeast Asia will be shipped by ePacket or EMS depending on the weight and size of the product. Packages shipped from our US warehouse are shipped through USPS Customers will have the option of choosing between United States Postal Services (USPS), UPS, or FedEx.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes. We ship to countries that have trade agreements with the United States. However, we do NOT ship to countries that do not have clear and traceable residential and business addresses. We DO NOT ship to Post Office Boxes (P.O Box) outside of North America

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Customer orders are immediately fulfilled upon payment and packages could be delivered between7-30 business days. Customers could track their packages online through the tracking button on the Home page to ease curiosity.

Can I purchase online and ship to a relative?

YES. At the point of Check-out choose the option that indicates Gift to relative and provide his/her mailing address and do your tracking.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept PayPal, Major credit cards (including American Express, Visa, and Master Card), Venmo, Google Pay and others. See payment types on website.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

Yes. Atanoon LLC provides a secure marketplace with unique Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols for establishing authenticated and encrypted links between networked computers to protect credit cards and other customer payment information. The company’s payment system is hosted by one of the best company in the online ecommerce marketplace.

Is there any waiver to the return policy?

Certain items are handled under the Manufacturers’ warranty or Return policy. It is only in these cases that the Return Policy is waived. In such cases, Manufacturers of such products should be contacted directly.

Order & Retunrs

How do I place an Order?

There are numerous ways to place an order on the marketplace. Place your order on the home page at Shop button is displayed on the tab from where customers could click and follow the link into area that led to check-out. Customers could also click on an item on the front page and place an order from there. There are also product categories on the left side of the website on the front page where customers could make selections and proceed accordingly. Also, customers could use the “SEARCH” section at the top right corner with a glass symbol. Type into the search box and find a product. Proceed with shopping from there..

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

Cancelling an order is simple. After a customer is done with product selection and ready to check-out, a check-out window will appear. Customers will see item prices, discount, and sales tax and a button that advice customers to proceed with order placement or cancellation. If need be, customers could cancel, replace, or change their order..

Do I need an account to place an order?

NO. Customers could shop online on the marketplace any time 24/7/365days/yr without opening an account and without hindrance. However, if a customer wants to be notified of new arrivals or unique products, then such customer(s) could create an account with a User name and Password that will enable him/her sign in and out of that Account as necessary.

How Do I Track My Order?

Tracking orders are easy. Customers who placed an order through will be able to track packages though the Track button on the Home page of the website. Customers who need help could contact customer service at 1-800-364-9056 or email at

How Can I Return a Product?

All orders can be canceled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be canceled

Is there any waiver to the return policy?

Certain items are handled under the Manufacturers’ warranty or Return policy. It is only in these cases that the Return Policy is waived. In such cases, Manufacturers of such products should be contacted directly.

What can I do if my package is missing?

If after 7-30 business days and your packages have not been delivered and if the Tracking on Atanoon Home page indicate that the package have been delivered, call Customer Service at 1-800-364-9056 or contact us through email at to resolve the issue.

More Questions?

If I have difficulty placing an order or in case I have a question, how can I get in touch with a customer service Representative?

This is simple. Simply call 1-800-364-9056 or email us at . In case our Representatives are busy, simply leave your Name, a message with a call back number and a member of our Customer Service Representative would gladly call you back. Also leave a message through the CONTACT US window on the website and our Customer Representative would contact you directly.
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